


Because the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

Time is money. If you procure each of the components for floors and walls separately, your ultimate concern will be whether one or other of the links along the chain may turn out to be the weak point. And this may damage your competitiveness. That's why Proline makes your choice easier: We have everything that retail and craft trades need. And what we have is compatible down to the minutest detail.

Floor profiles interact perfectly with underlay webs; tiling profiles join seamlessly with the functionality of mat systems. Even outdoor drainage systems are complemented by Proline drainage mats, drainage channels and balcony and terrace profiles. Proline even helps you score in wet rooms where our sealing foils, shower channels and point drainage components are convincing by their looks and performance. Products from Proline Systems are always part of a chain and you can rely 100% on each member of that chain. True to the motto: On their own they are excellent, but together they are unbeatable.

The benefits for retail and craft trades, planners and building owners: Proline products offer long-term durability and save time – thanks to compatible system components and the high quality of each product. They also help achieve customer satisfaction since floors and wall coverings last longer with Proline Systems.


General Terms of Business of Proline Systems GmbH


I. Scope

1. a) The following General Terms of Business shall apply to all transactions between Proline Systems GmbH and its customers who are commercial enterprises.

b) Commercial enterprises in the meaning of the General Terms of Business are natural or legal persons, legal or special funds under public law or private companies with legal capacity who, on conclusion of a legal transaction, act in fulfilment of their commercial or self-employed professional activities.

c) These General Terms of Business shall also apply to all future transactions between Proline Systems GmbH and its previously described customers, insofar as these are legal transactions of a similar kind and the General Terms of Business was made known to the customer in written form.

2. At this juncture we hereby declare null and void the buyer’s own terms and conditions, also for future transactions. Thus, the General Terms of Business of Proline Systems GmbH shall apply exclusively. This shall also be the case where ordering parties refer to their own diverging terms in a letter of confirmation; for future transactions but only after these General Terms of Business was made known to the customer in written form.

3. Diverging agreements shall only be binding when expressly confirmed by Proline Systems GmbH. Such deviations shall only apply to the transactions for which they were agreed.

II. Conclusion of the Contract

1. The presentation of goods in our customer portal only constitutes an invitation to customers to make an offer to conclude a contract themselves. By clicking on the “Purchase” button the Customer issues such a binding offer. The Customer receives a confirmation of receipt automatically; however, this does not constitute acceptance of the offer. Acceptance occurs only with receipt of an order confirmation or when the goods are sent. This shall apply in the same way to orders received by employees of Proline Systems GmbH – regardless of the means of transmission.

2. Technical progress, changes in production and changes to operational processes in our suppliers production chain can lead to technical changes in the goods we supply. We reserve the right to make such changes insofar as these only constitute an insignificant and - in consideration of our interests in the change - reasonable (for the orderer) technical deviation from the goods ordered.

3. Information, suggestions or recommendations, including from our employees, are given to the best of our knowledge and belief but, unless otherwise expressly agreed, non-binding and without any guarantee or liability. Due to the variety of applications, building constellations and installation conditions it shall not be possible to check all versions and application options beforehand. Furthermore, those goods supplied or offered are interdependent on a variety of different building materials and assembly components. Our information shall not release contractual partners from the obligation to check themselves and enquire about each individual application and installation site of the supplied and/or requested products, to check the long-term operability of the products in terms of each application purpose and to take due care, possibly also by means of a prior test assembly, to make sure of the designated function during assembly and in the subsequent mounted state.

III. Prices

1. The agreed prices are quoted in EUR (euro) and – unless otherwise agreed – apply net ex our works in Boppard, without installation or other ancillary services included. Any necessary delivery, transport or packaging costs as well as the value added tax and import and export duties applicable at the time of invoicing shall be added. In the case of repeat orders, the prices of the first order shall only apply after separate agreement. If the parties have not reached an agreement on the remuneration of a service of Proline Systems GmbH, the provision of which the Customer could only expect according to the circumstances in return for remuneration, the Customer shall pay the remuneration generally customary with us for this service.

2. Unless an express fixed price agreement has been made, we reserve the right to make reasonable price increases due to changes in wage, material or distribution costs for such deliveries which take place four (4) months or later after conclusion of the Contract. In the case of orders on call, the period between the order and the call shall be authoritative for the calculation of this period.

2. Unless an explicit fixed price agreement has been made we shall reserve the right, due to altered wage, material or sales costs, to make appropriate price increases to those deliveries made 2 months or more after conclusion of the contract. With on-demand orders this period shall be calculated between the time when the order is placed and when the goods are called up.

IV. Delivery

1. We make every effort to honour the periods we state for providing the specified services and delivering the goods. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, however, our indications are only to be understood as non-binding. Furthermore, adherence to the service or delivery deadlines shall also be subject to us receiving our supplies from our suppliers on time, in sufficient quantities and in the proper fashion. This shall only apply in the event of our not being responsible for non-delivery, in particular where we have concluded a congruent hedging transaction with our suppliers. The customer shall be informed without delay of the non-availability of the service. The payment in exchange for this service shall be reimbursed without delay.

2. Significant changes to orders shall lead to agreed dates and deadlines being lifted unless a new schedule has been accepted in writing. This shall also apply where changes to orders are withdrawn again. The buyer must bear the costs arising from the requested change.

3. Delivery and service deadlines shall be extended by a suitable period in the event of force majeure (e.g. strike or restriction of access for suppliers).

4. Unless otherwise agreed, notification of dispatch readiness is significant for adherence to the binding delivery deadlines. Should delivery be delayed as a result of circumstances for which the buyer is responsible, the latter shall be charged the storage costs incurred by Proline Systems GmbH or third parties 14 days after the goods have been declared ready for dispatch. At the same time, the risk of storage shall be transferred to the buyer. Should a suitable subsequent deadline prove fruitless we shall be entitled to otherwise use the items for delivery and to furnish the buyer with a suitable extension to the deadline. Should the buyer fail to accept the goods or provide a delivery address for longer than 2 weeks after notice has been given of the readiness to deliver, Proline Systems GmbH shall, at our discretion, be entitled, after the prior setting of a 2-week final deadline, to withdraw from the contract or demand damages instead of claiming payment of 25 % of the agreed price of the goods plus relevant valid VAT.

5. Shipping shall be carried out at our best discretion and – unless otherwise agreed – without guarantee of the most favourable and fastest route. Unless otherwise agreed, the goods shall be shipped insured. Unless otherwise agreed in individual cases, the transport risk shall pass to the Customer when the goods are handed over to the forwarding agent or carrier. We deliver goods in standard commercial packaging; any special packaging required shall be at the expense of the Purchaser, unless otherwise agreed. Return of and payment for packaging shall only be made by separate agreement. The same shall apply to shipment free of charge and freight.

6. One week after the expiry of a non-binding delivery date or a non-binding delivery period the buyer can ask Proline Systems GmbH to deliver within a suitable period. On receipt of this reminder, Proline Systems GmbH is in default if it cannot deliver by the given deadline. The buyer can demand compensation due to damage resulting from the delay. On expiry of the final deadline the buyer shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract in a written declaration to Proline Systems GmbH or to demand compensation in place of the service.

7. The buyer may only demand damage compensation in accordance with IV.6. according to the provisions specified by VI.5. and VI.6.  The buyer shall provide proof of the reason and extent of the damage. The same shall apply for expenditure spent to no avail. It shall not be possible to demand compensation for damages in place of the service, given the obligation to provide the service is excluded.

8. Proline Systems GmbH shall be entitled to make partial deliveries, unless otherwise agreed and provided that the legitimate interests of the Purchaser do not conflict with this. They shall be deemed to be an independent delivery and as such may be invoiced separately if no deviating payment terms have been agreed.

9. Deliveries free construction site or warehouse, unless expressly agreed otherwise, shall be limited to delivery without unloading under the proviso of there being an approach road accessible to heavy goods vehicles. Unloading must be affected by the ordering party forthwith and in the proper fashion.

10. Arrangements with agreed partial deliveries (orders for goods to be delivered on demand) shall oblige the customer to accept partial deliveries in approximately equal monthly instalments unless otherwise agreed.

V. Due Date and Payment

1. Payments shall be affected net within 30 days after delivery has been affected and from the invoice date. Where the aforementioned 30-day period allowed for payment is exceeded the outstanding receivable shall be subject to interest of 9 % pa above the current basic interest rate. Proline Systems GmbH shall expressly reserve the right to claim compensation for default going beyond this pursuant to the legal provisions valid for such cases.

2. In each case when cheques are accepted they shall only be considered as a conditional payment i.e. payment shall only be deemed honoured once the sum payable on the cheque has been irrevocably credited to our accounts. Where cheques are not credited to the acceptor on time all outstanding claims for payment shall become payable at this point.

3. Should the buyer fail to honour or honour on time his payment obligations or those obligations arising from title retention the entire remainder owed – even deferred obligations – shall become payable immediately. The same applies if Proline Systems GmbH should discover that the buyer falls into financial collapse.

4. The buyer shall only be entitled to offset claims insofar as the claims for payment have been ascertained as undisputed or legally binding. The buyer shall not be entitled to a right of retention.

5. We must be informed of changes to the ownership (individual companies), company type or other instances affecting commercial circumstances (creditworthiness) of the buyer in writing without delay. These instances shall entitle us, at our discretion, to immediately demand payment be made or a security be given in respect of payable or deferred claims arising from all existing transactions.

6. Credit-unworthiness can be assumed implicit in the event of a cheque being protested.

7. Our invoices and credit notes collected by direct debit are classed as pre-notification according to the SEPA process.

VI. Complaints, Warranty and Liability; Period of Limitation of Customer Claims for Quality Defects

1. The Purchaser shall report all visible defects, faulty goods, incorrect deliveries or obvious lack of warranted characteristics immediately, at the latest within three (3) working days after delivery, but in any case before resale, consumption, processing, combination, mixing or installation. Hidden defects shall be indicated by the buyer as soon as they are discovered. Should the buyer fail to meet this obligation the goods shall be deemed accepted. The same obligations affect the buyer where the defects relating to the products supplied by Proline Systems GmbH or consequential damage caused by these products are recognised only after they have been installed or put into operation. Proline Systems GmbH shall always be given sufficient time and opportunity - to the extent reasonably acceptable for the buyer - to view the damage or defect, to form a picture of the cause of the defect and, where relevant, to undertake disassembly tests even if longer term physical, chemical or application-based examinations and analyses are necessary. This shall equally apply if Proline Systems GmbH commissions appraisers or experts from outside the company undertake these examinations or if the product liability insurer wishes to undertake such tasks in the course of liability law proceedings. Unless chiefly in the customer‘s interest this is absolutely necessary, it shall not be permitted to undertake any changes to the criticised products or the constructions pertaining thereto prior to a visit/appraisal. Should the customer fail to meet this obligation Proline shall be released from any liability or warranty unless the change can be proven not to have any effect on the extent of the defect/damage or its establishment. Where the emergence of damage was contributed to by a technical, executional or planning error on the part of the customer or a third party Proline shall only be liable for the damage – irrespective of any other liability limitations – where this damage can be proven to have been caused by the defectiveness of the supplied product. This shall equally apply to improper and/or untypical treatment of, or strain upon, the product during use. Proline Systems GmbH supplies products and systems for the specialist retail trade and beyond this for the skilled craftsmen. It is assumed the ordering party and/or installer is familiar with, and knows how to use, the relevant rules of the business, standards and guidelines, knows the materials used and their properties and will install them appropriately in the correct technical fashion. Further-reaching special information on the products and their application exist in printed form and on the Proline website and can, if unavailable, be requested or consulted on request prior to ordering and realisation. We shall not be held liable for the consequences of deployment of products deviating from those which we describe or offer nor shall we be held liable for improper use of the products.

2. a) We reserve the right to fetch or have fetched defective parts at our expense. In such cases, any return of the goods to us may only take place with our consent. Otherwise the buyer shall bear the costs for their return.

b) Where supplementary performance in the form of a new delivery takes places due to a shall complaint the provisions on delivery shall apply accordingly. Where the defect is to be remedied through reworking we shall be granted a period of three weeks in which to do this.

c) Within the context of our liability according to § 445a section 1 of the German Civil Code, we only reimburse those expenses that are due to the purchaser by law in relation to § 439 section 2 and 3 and according to § 475 section 4 and 6 BGB, but not expenses above and beyond this. This is therefore subject to full checking of the costs to be reimbursed in terms of amount.

3. Claims by the customer for liability for defective parts are subject to a limitation period – unless not relevant in Cl. VI.6./VI.7. of these General Terms of Business or other bases for claims are applicable – of two years after the passage of risk, but at the latest upon delivery.

4. a) Our contribution towards planning as well as any advisory services – particularly, but not limited to, in relation to the shape, installation and function of a product are, unless otherwise agreed, to be understood regularly as non-binding assistance for which no liability for correctness will be accepted.

b) Special orders are orders of products that are not featured in our price lists in that kind, size and form. For manufacturing reasons these may differ from those products featured in the price list, other print media and on the website and/or from products appearing similar in terms of the materials used, the formula and/or size. We reserve the right to feature such divergences - where appropriate for the customer - as they are production related and meet the functionality, use and installation possibilities to be normally assumed. It is generally to be assumed that special orders require special preparatory work, longer time and special planning prior and subsequent to their realisation.

5. Proline Systems GmbH shall only be held liable for damages in the event of intent or gross negligence; beyond this only for ordinary negligence
- in the case of harm to life, bodily harm or injury to health
- in the case of violation of obligations – whose fulfilment actually makes proper performance of the contract at all possible and on
whose observation the customer can therefore depend – or in the case of violation of such customer rights the contract especially has to grant to the customer according to its content and purpose (so-called ”cardinal duties“). In these cases, Proline Systems GmbH‘s liability is restricted to the scope of damage typically expected from breaches of duty.

6. The aforementioned limitations to liability shall also be valid in favour of our legal representatives, managing employees, all staff as well as our proxies and vicarious agents, this also being the case in the event of a possible direct recourse.

7. It shall not be possible to transfer warranty rights to third parties.

8. Should we be entitled to claim compensation instead of payment pursuant to § 281 of the German Civil Code (BGB) our claim to performance shall only then expire at variance with § 281 Section 4 of the German Civil Code (BGB) when compensation has actually been paid by the buyer/ordering party.

VII. Title Retention

1. We shall retain title on the goods delivered by us until such time as the buyer has settled all claims arising from the commercial transaction with us, in particular until such time as the balance has been settled.

2. In the event of the buyer acting in violation of the contract, in particular in the event of payment default, we shall be entitled to take back the delivery item; the buyer is obliged to surrender it. The act of taking back the delivery item shall not constitute cancellation of the contract unless we have explicitly declared cancellation. In the event of seizure or other third party interventions the buyer shall inform us of these forthwith in writing so that we may take legal action pursuant to § 771 of the Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO). Unless the third party is obliged or able to refund us the judicial and extra-judicial costs arising from the action pursuant to § 771 of the Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO), the buyer shall be liable for the loss we have incurred through this.

3. The buyer shall store and label our goods subject to retention of title. The buyer shall be entitled to have access to the delivered goods as part of proper business practice, specifically to install or sell them. In so doing the buyer is obliged to indicate title retention to his customers in writing. However, the buyer’s entitlement shall cease should he fall into arrears with payment commitments. In this case the buyer must give us the documents and information necessary to collect payment. Extraordinary injunctions, such as pledges or assignments as a security, shall only be operative with our express approval. The buyer must immediately make notification of third party access to those goods subject to retention of title. In the event of execution the ordering parties must immediately transmit to us a copy of the execution record and any solemn assurances that our retention of title on the seized item remains intact.

4. The buyer shall be entitled to collect claims from resale until such time as we revoke this, which is permissible at any time. The buyer shall already now transfer to Proline Systems GmbH all claims along with all secondary rights and securities until all outstanding claims have been settled, that he is entitled to from future sales, processing etc. of the goods supplied by Proline Systems GmbH in respect of his customers, namely those amounting to the invoiced sum plus 20 %, as well as any of his own claims for surrender from goods subject to retained title.

5. The buyer’s processing or transformation of the delivery item shall not affect our title on that item. Where our goods subject to retention of title are processed, mixed or joined with items not belonging to us or used to produce a new item through transformation, the buyer shall already now hereby transfer to us as collateral on our claims a proportion (of the invoiced amount) of their title of (joint) ownership of the new item. Where the delivery item is inseparably joined to other items not belonging to us and where this extraneous item shall be regarded as a main item it shall be agreed that the buyer transfers to us a proportion of the joint ownership rights. The buyer shall hold in trust the sole or joint ownership rights so that any claims arising from this against Proline Systems GmbH can be repudiated.

6. Where the goods subject to retention of title are used by the buyer to fulfil a contract for services or for labour and materials, the claims from the contract for services or labour and materials shall be assigned to us to the same extent as laid down in Sections 4 and 5.

7. We shall undertake to release the collateral to which we are entitled at the buyer’s request to the extent that the value of our collateral exceeds by more than 20 % the claim to be safeguarded.

8. The buyer shall undertake to insure the goods subject to retention of title at his own cost against fire, water, theft and burglary. The rights from this insurance are to be transferred to us on request.

VIII. Place of Jurisdiction and Performance

1. The place of performance for payments and deliveries as well as for all other claims is Boppard.

2. The place of jurisdiction is Koblenz – also for matters concerning bills of exchange and cheques as well as for causes of action not relating to the contract but that concur with those of the contract. We shall, however, be entitled to also assert our claims at any other legally established place of jurisdiction.

3. This shall also apply if the buyer establishes his domicile or usual place of residence outside the German Federal Republic or the domicile or usual place of residence of the buyer is not known at the time when proceedings are instituted.

IX. Data Protection

1. The data necessary for business purposes shall be stored by PROLINE Systems GmbH. As part of the credit analysis we perform credit rating data exchange with companies who issue credit information taking into consideration their interests worthy of protection in line with legal data protection provisions.

2. PROLINE Systems GmbH vouches that all persons entrusted with executing the contract shall also heed these regulations. However, PROLINE Systems GmbH points out that with online orders, due to the structure of the Internet, violations of data protection by other persons can occur over which PROLINE Systems GmbH has no influence. PROLINE Systems GmbH can therefore not be held liable for such violations.

3. Insofar as information is downloaded from our website, this information may only be used for private purposes. Use going beyond this, in particular the sale of such content, is not permitted. All details and information stated as part of our online range are non-binding.

4. Insofar as the content of our website is protected by the rights of third parties, PROLINE Systems GmbH shall not be held liable for the use of such information. It shall be incumbent upon the customer to ensure in each case whether data is free from protection rights.

5. Insofar as links are given to other websites, PROLINE Systems GmbH shall not be liable for the content thereof and disclaims any and all liability for the content on such pages.

X. Miscellaneous

1. Should individual incidental provisions in contracts with our customers or in these General Terms of Business be or become fully or partially inoperative this shall not otherwise affect the validity of the contracts or the General Terms of Business.

2. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply with the exception of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and German international private law.

3. The official language of the contract is German.


Proline Systems GmbH
Kratzenburger Landstr. 11-15, D-56154 Boppard

Data protection

The protection of personal data is an important concern for us. We therefore operate our activities in accordance with the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data and data security. In the following section you will find out which information we may collect, how we process this and to whom we make the data available.

It is usually possible to use our website without giving personal details. Insofar as personal data (for example, name, address or e-mail addresses) are collected on our pages, this is always carried out on a voluntary basis. These data are not passed on to third parties without your express agreement. We would point out that data transfer online (e.g. via e-mail communication) may demonstrate gaps in security. Complete protection of data from access by third parties is not possible.

Public procedure index from Proline Systems GmbH

The BDSG (German Federal Data Protection Act) prescribes in §4g that the person responsible for data protection must make the following details available in a reasonable way to anyone who requests it, according to §4e:

1.) Name of the person responsible:

Proline Systems GmbH.

2.) Owner, board member, CEO or other legal manager, or a manager appointed according to the charter of the company, and persons charged with managing data processing:

CEOs: Karl-Heinz Fiedler and Martin Bartolovic

3.) Address of the person or organisation responsible:

Kratzenburger Landstraße 11-15, Industriegebiet Hellerwald, 56154 Boppard

4.) Intended purpose of the data collection, processing or usage:

The object of the company is the manufacture and supply of high-quality profiles and systems for wall and floor coverings in living areas and wet areas as well as for patios and balconies. The collection, processing and use of data is carried out for the execution of the purposes mentioned above.

5.) Description of the groups of persons affected and the data or data categories in this respect:

5.1 We save data on the following groups of people:
  • Employees and applicants
  • Customers and interested parties
  • Suppliers and cooperation partners

5.2 We save the following types of data:
  • Address and communications data
  • Data for human resources administration and control
  • Communications data
  • Data for handling and checking transactions
  • Account data, contact data and support information

6.) Recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data may be conveyed:

The data are passed on to the following recipients inside and outside the company:
  • Internal posts involved in carrying out the relevant business transactions (e.g. human resources administration, bookkeeping, accounting, marketing and sales)
  • Public bodies that receive data for legal reasons (e.g. social insurance providers and financial authorities)
  • External parties such as associated companies and external contractors (e.g. cooperation and sales partners)

7.) Cookies:

Internet pages sometimes use so-called cookies. Cookies do not cause any harm to your computer and do not contain any viruses. Cookies serve to make our range more user-friendly, more effective and more secure. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and which your browser saves.

Most of the cookies we use are so-called “session cookies”. They are automatically deleted after your visit. Other cookies are saved on your device until you delete them. These cookies enable us to recognise your browser again when you next visit.

You can adjust your browser so that you are informed about the setting of cookies, only allowing cookies in individual cases, excluding the acceptance of cookies in certain cases or generally, as well as the automatic deletion of cookies when closing the browser. Deactivating cookies may limit the functionality of this website.

8.) Server-Log-Files:

The provider of the pages automatically collects and saves information in so-called server log files, which your browser transmits to us automatically. These are:
  • Browser type and browser version
  • Operating system used
  • URL referrer
  • Host name of the accessing computer
  • Time of the server request

These data cannot be attributed to specific persons. These data are not combined with other data sources. We reserve the right to check these data retrospectively if we become aware of specific indications of unlawful use.

9.) Contact form:

If you send us questions via the contact form, your details from the question form including the contact data you have given, will be saved by us for the purposes of processing the question and in the event of additional questions being asked. We do not pass on these data without your agreement.

10.) Data protection declaration for the use of Google Analytics:

This website uses functions from the Google Analytics web analysis service. The provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

Google Analytics uses so-called cookies. These are text files that are saved on your computer and which enable analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and is saved there.

You will find more information on the handling of user data by Google Analytics in the Google data protection declaration:

10.1 Browser plugin
You can prevent the saving of cookies with a relevant setting on your browser software; but we would point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website comprehensively. Furthermore, you can prevent Google collecting data generated by the cookie and on your use of the website (including your IP address) as well as the processing of your data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at the following link:

10.2 Objection to data collection
You can prevent the collection of your data by Google Analytics by clicking on the following link. An opt-out cookie will be set, which prevents the collection of your data on future visits to this website: deactivating Google Analytics

10.3 Order data processing
We have agreed a contract with Google for processing order data and have fully implemented the strict provisions of the German data protection authorities when using Google Analytics.

10.4 IP-Anonymisation
We use the "Activation of IP anonymisation” function on this website. In this way your IP address will be abbreviated in advance by Google within the member states of the European Union or in other countries that are signatories to the agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and be abbreviated there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports on the website activity and to deliver other services associated with website usage and Internet usage for the website operator. The IP address transmitted by your browser within the scope of Google Analytics  will not be combined with other data from Google.

11.) Data protection declaration for using YouTube:

Our website uses plugins for the YouTube page operated by Google. The operator of the pages is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. If you visit one of our pages with a YouTube plugin, a connection will be made to the YouTube servers. The Youtube server will receive information on which of our pages you have visited.
If you are logged into your YouTube account you enable YouTube to attribute your surfing behaviour directly to your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account.
You will find further information on the handling of user data in the data protection declaration from YouTube at:

12.) SSL- encryption:

This page uses SSL encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content, such as questions that you send us as the operator of the pages. You will recognise an encrypted link as the address line of the browser changes from "http://" to "https://" and from the lock symbol in your browser line.

If SSL encryption is activated, the data that you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties.

13.) Indicative time limits for the deletion of data:

You have the right to free information on your saved personal data at any time, its origins and recipients and the purpose of the data processing, as well as the right to correction, blocking and deletion of this data. Besides further questions on the topic of personal data, you can contact us at any time at the address given in the section on publication information.

The legislature has issued various retention obligations and periods. After expiry of these periods the relevant data will be routinely deleted, provided it is no longer required to fulfil the contract or for customer support. If data are not affected by this they will be deleted as soon as the purposes under 4. cease.

14.) Planned data transmission to third-party countries:

Transmission to third-party countries does not take place and is not planned.


Proline Systems GmbH
Kratzenburger Landstraße 11-15
Industriegebiet Hellerwald
56154 Boppard

Tel.: +49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 - 0
E-mail: info(at)

Directors with right of representation:
Dr. Werner Boysen, Karl-Heinz Fiedler

Registry court Koblenz district court
Commercial register number: HRB 4408

VAT identification number according to
§ 27 a, VAT Act: DE 165993628

Programming and web design:

A digital success story by dc
Implementation with the content management system dynamic content, the e-commerce software dynamic commerce

Legal information:

As a provider of services, we are responsible for our own content on these pages according to § 7 para.1 TMG (German Telemedia Act) based on general laws. However, according to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, as a service provider we are not obliged to monitor transmitted or saved external information or to research circumstances that indicate unlawful activity.

Obligations to remove or block the use of information according to general law remain unaffected by this. However, liability is only possible in this respect from the time of becoming aware of a specific infringement. If we become aware of any legal contraventions we will remove this content immediately.

The information provided on the Proline Systems GmbH websites will be updated and added to on an ongoing basis with the greatest care. However, no guarantee for the correctness and completeness of the data specified can be assumed , as intermediate modification cannot be completely ruled out. This also applies to all third party websites, which are referred to via a hyperlink. Proline Systems GmbH is not responsible for information included there (external content) to which only access to usage is given via a hyperlink, § 5 para. 3 TDG. Proline Systems GmbH is therefore excluded from any liability in connection with the above.

Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos, as well as their layout on Proline Systems GmbH websites, are subject to copyright protection and other protective legislation. The content of this website may not be copied for commercial purposes, distributed, modified or made available to third parties. The data and information included may only be reproduced with the prior written agreement of Proline Systems GmbH.


Proline Systems GmbH belongs to the leading suppliers of accessories in mural and floor design. We come up to all demands of our customers and offer tile profiles, drainage systems, sealing and dewatering systems as well as floor profiles and underlay webs. Particularly the Proline staff forms and shapes the company. We offer you responsible areas of activity in an innovative team and a loyal atmosphere.

Please send us your speculative application via e-mail or post:

Proline Systems GmbH
Mr. Peter Frech
Kratzenburger Landstraße 11-15
56154 Boppard
Karl-Heinz Fiedler
Managing director
Dr. Werner Boysen
Managing director

International Sales


Proline Systems GmbH

Kratzenburger Landstraße 11-15
Industriegebiet Hellerwald
D - 56154 Boppard

Tel.: +49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 0
E-mail:   info(at)

How to find us


Proline Systems GmbH

Kratzenburger Landstraße 11-15
Industriegebiet Hellerwald
D - 56154 Boppard

Tel.: +49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 0
E-mail:   info(at)

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Being exhibitor on selected trade fairs belongs to the particular highlights of our everyday work. An excellent opportunity to inspire prospective customers from home and abroad with the advantages of Proline Systems. The exchange of ideas with practitioners is of particular importance for us. Good is not good enough, we want the best!

Coming soon!

Seminars and Trainings

You live and learn!
Our seminars and trainings update you to the latest state of technology. We come back to the current topics and ideas and prepare custom-tailored seminars and trainings. We follow the requests of specialists such as those of the users.

Please contact us if you are interested in planning a training with us.
For any further information, please contact Simone Sauer.

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+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 27



Overview of press releases

Press contact

Close contact with you, the journalists, is very important to us. This is why we would like to inform you about current developments in the company and new products here.

You can always find up-to-date information and images on our website so that you can always be up to speed. The archive also contains interesting contributions.

If you should have further questions or require information on special issues, please contact our press agency.

Press archive

Overview of press releases

Welcome to Proline Systems

Courage to change has made Proline what it is today: A global company that is a driving force for reliability and for „Made in Germany“ quality. A company that was founded on the conviction of making good things even better and driving innovation forward, that has been developing products and solutions for skilled trades, specialist dealer and planners for more than 25 years.

Proline is recognisable by the bright vibrant Proline green. This colour stands for fresh ideas, the joy of innovation and easy co-operation. People working with Proline will continue to tell you that: The fertile ground of craft trades is green. Proline green.

With this in mind, we look forward to helping you use our products, systems and solutions to make your work easier. We gladly invite you to experience the diversity of Proline yourself and hope to see you among our valued and satisfied customers soon.

Karl-Heinz Fiedler
Managing Director


Satisfied customers are the best reference.


In practice, what counts is experience!

Ever since Proline was started, we have placed a special focus on the users of our products. We continuously improve our systems in cooperation with our customers. As a result we are in a position to support them reliably and effectively in practical work on the building site.

Quality, design and functionality all in one unit. This aim guides our way in product development and product design, and in our choice of protection processes, materials and suppliers.

What we do not supply, you do not need!

Admittedly, our slogan sounds totally immodest. But our most important factor in the continuous development of our products is what the retail trade and users really need. And what is superfluous?

This is why we keep constant contact with our customers and partners. Ultimately it is the trade retailers and crafts trades on site who can best judge what is best in daily practice – and the best and most sustainable way to satisfy customer wishes.

Our word is our bond!

Five words which have stood for long-term successful business and customer relations at Proline. Our business partners know that our word is our bond. And we know we can rely on our business partners.

In addition, we offer our business partners extra quality, reliability and durability in our high-quality products. This added value supplies you with the decisive advantage of scoring with the best solution for your own customers: With products and systems which are always reliable in every situation.
Georg Lindenbuß
Sales Director
Bettina Sommers
Deputy Head of Internal Sales
Astrid Dirk
Kundenservice / Verkauf
Diana Diener
Kundenservice / Verkauf


Eurobaustoff Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

hagebau Handelsgesellschaft für Baustoffe mbH & Co.KG

Baustoffverbund Süd GbR


Holzring Handelsgesellschaft mbH für Holz-Platten-Baustoffe


Verband der Deutschen Parkettindustrie e. V. 

Netzwerk der Besten


Fliesenleger-Innung Stuttgart

Fliesenleger-Innung Konstanz

Innung des Fliesen-, Platten- und Mosaikleger-Handwerks Karlsruhe

Customer service international

Simone Reimann
Head of internal sales
Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
International Customer Service

International Business Partners

Simone Sauer
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 27

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Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 30

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Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 30

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Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 30

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Duuri Oy
Tapulikanpunjinbe 35
PO 26
00750 Helsinki
+35 89 35 10 50
Simone Sauer
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 27

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Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 30

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Great Britain
Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 30

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Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 30

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ISOLDRAIN S.r.l. Unip.
Via Contarini, 13
37050 Vallese DI OPPEANO
+39 04 / 55 46 99 7
+39 04 / 58 77 58 61

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Simone Sauer
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 27

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Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 30

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Simone Sauer
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 27

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Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 30

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Simone Sauer
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 27

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Simone Sauer
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 27

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Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 30

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Saudi Arabia
Simone Sauer
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 27

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Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 30

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Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 30

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Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 30

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Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 30

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United Arab Emirates
Simone Sauer
+49 (0) 6742 / 80 16 27

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Finance and Accounts

Janet Treu
Finance and Accounts


Stefan Noetzel
Head of Purchasing
Petra Knauf
Purchasing / Logistics assistant


Peter Straus
Head of Logistics
Team of logistics


Karl-Heinz Fiedler
Managing director
Dr. Werner Boysen
Managing director
Sönke Ehlers
PLZ: 19000 - 29999
Frank Schmitt
PLZ: 40000 - 52999, 58000 - 59999
Simone Reimann
Head of internal sales
Bettina Sommers
Deputy Head of Internal Sales
Astrid Dirk
Kundenservice / Verkauf
Diana Diener
Kundenservice / Verkauf
Felix Rüdesheim
Mohamed Belbaz
Export Manager
Lisa Röhrig
International Customer Service
Peter Frech
Commercial Director & authorized representative
Janet Treu
Finance and Accounts
Stefan Noetzel
Head of Purchasing
Petra Knauf
Purchasing / Logistics assistant
Magdalena Domachowski
Purchasing / Logistics assistant
Karl-Heinz Kettel
Head of Logistics
Peter Straus
Head of Logistics
Gregory Pratt
Head of Product Technology / Product Management
Andreas Ehwein
Product Engineering Assistant
Stefanie Präuner-Zakrzewski
Head of Marketing
Stephanie Weiß
Marketing Assistant
Theresa Härter
Marketing Assistant
Mark Prellberg
Team Leader Marketing
Andrei Popp
Marketing (trade fairs & sales promotion)
Marco Wächtersbach
Sales Director national
30000 – 38999
Georg Lindenbuß
Sales Director
Michelle Hurler-Liesenfeld
International Customer Service

Product Engineering

Gregory Pratt
Head of Product Technology / Product Management
Andreas Ehwein
Product Engineering Assistant


Mark Prellberg
Team Leader Marketing
Andrei Popp
Marketing (trade fairs & sales promotion)


Proline Systems

Your complete provider for living rooms

As a complete provider, Proline Systems is a reliable partner of specialist dealers and processors as well as architects and planners. Proline stands for high-quality profiles and systems for walls and flooring in living spaces and rooms with plumbing as well as for terraces and balconies. Profiles and systems from Proline help you make your customers' dream rooms a reality.


You have the option of reading current information on the company here, as well as press releases about innovative product solutions and their area of application.

Read on here



Proline video library

Clicking on the following videos opens a player and starts replay.

About PROLINE Systems

Three employees and a great vision: that was the beginning of PROLINE Systems in 1994. Today, 30 years later, this vision has become reality. PROLINE Systems has achieved a leading position on the German market and is successful on all continents.

Over 60 employees develop and distribute more than 3,000 products. The product range of PROLINE Systems offers tile profiles & mat systems, sealing system & drainage systems, tileable shower shelf & tileable wall niche, outdoor systems, in particular pedestal & slab supports and floor profiles & underlay webs. Our innovative products satisfy even the most demanding customers. It all started with the idea of developing mature, high-quality tile profiles which, as design elements, ensure perfect results in floor and wall design - both technically and visually.

With this idea, PROLINE Systems became one of the most innovative companies in the industry. Today, PROLINE Systems not only manufactures outstanding individual products, but the success of PROLINE Systems is systematic: All our products are technically and optically perfectly intertwined. They grow in every aspect beyond themselves. This creates completely new possibilities and facilitates processing enormously.

By the way, PROLINE Systems can always be recognised by the bright, strong PROLINE green. A colour that stands for fresh ideas, innovative spirit and uncomplicated cooperation with our trading partners. Anyone who works with PROLINE Systems will quickly notice: The golden ground of craftsmanship has long been green. PROLINE green.
Further information about the product range of Proline Systems

Tile profiles & mat systems

Our tile profiles & mat systems not only serve to protect your floor and wall tiles, but are also a real eye-catcher. Furthermore, the tile profiles can be fixed in any situation, recognisable by the distinctive Proline punching. A particularly strong connection with the ground is created by the punched holes in the tile profiles.

Square-edged profiles, rectangular-edged profiles & round-edged profiles

Transitions, borders, corner areas, angles - at such places you can see at first glance how neatly the work was done. With profiles from Proline, you are practically ahead in these areas. Because the tile rails can be used in many different ways, can be adapted quickly and easily and, most importantly, the result is convincing.

Our square-edged profiles are not only available as standard profiles with a single edge (PROFLOOR). We also offer the flexible angle profiles PROCURVE, rectangular-edged profiles with square or particularly wide visible edges (PRODECOR Q and PRODECOR R) and round-edged profiles with rounded visible edges to give you the greatest possible flexibility and choice.

Joint-end cover profiles & border profiles

Seamless transitions between different floor and wall coverings are quickly accomplished with PRODECOR T. These high-quality joint cover profiles made of stainless steel and aluminium are ideal for covering joints of different widths. Border profiles are ideal for decorative accentuation in floor and wall areas.

Step profiles

Step profiles from Proline provide reliable edge protection, offer stability for the construction, ensure slip resistance and not to forget: They are also a real eye-catcher visually. Thanks to the high-quality materials and careful workmanship, they remain beautiful and durable for years to come.

Transition &compensator profiles

You can create threshold-free transitions and barrier-free floor surfaces with PRONIVO profiles from Proline. These profiles, made of high-quality aluminium or stainless steel, can be used in many different ways. They ensure that everything runs smoothly, both in private living areas and in commercial premises.

Cove profiles

With the PROCOVE profiles made of aluminium and stainless steel, you can design internal wall corners on kitchen worktops or shelves that are to be given a ceramic coating. With their symmetrical visible surfaces, they decoratively enhance the overall appearance of surfaces ready for covering. Thanks to their different geometries, PROCOVE cove profiles can also be used to create different coverings.

Expansion joint & screed profiles

The techniques of thick and thin bed laying have become an integral part of everyday construction life. Especially on large construction sites, everything has to function quickly and smoothly. Your reliable partner: PROCONNEX expansion joint profiles.

Horizontal stresses in tile or slab coverings play an important role for large surfaces. With the expansion joints from Proline, they can be controlled in a safe and practical way. PROCONNEX profiles absorb stresses without damaging themselves. This guarantees longer durability for tiles and coverings, e.g. in large salesrooms, etc.

Our PROCONNEX REM profiles are particularly durable and of high quality. We have received a patent for them - but this is not the only reason why they are technically unique. The high-quality stainless steel (V2A and V4A), which we use in the production of PROCONNEX REM, as well as the ingenious construction make them practically perfectly durable and particularly easy to work with.

Corner protection profiles

Corners deserve special protection. This applies to tiled walls as well as to plastered corners. PROTECT corner protection profiles made of high-quality stainless steel are your reliable partner. They impress with their resistance and durability over many years - including optical durability. Smaller "wounds" can also be effortlessly removed from the profiles.

Mat systems

High-quality mat systems achieve extraordinary results when used with fine tiles and natural stone coverings. Footfall and walking sound insulation as well as reliable decoupling are the important foundations of beautiful floor coverings. But these mats can also be used to bridge adhesion problems, minor level differences and thin, subsurface cracks.

Sealing & drainage systems

With Proline's sealing and drainage systems, we offer the best materials for trade and craft to create the conditions for satisfied customers. Safe, easy to use and durable - these are the three most important characteristics of all our waterproofing and drainage systems.

Your advantage is the system. Proline system solutions are particularly effective in wet and damp rooms. Both the PROFOLIO sealing system and the PROCHANNEL drainage systems are all-inclusive systems. This means that with Proline materials, craftsmen have everything they need for installation directly on site.

And the most important thing: the individual parts of the waterproofing and drainage systems fit together perfectly and guarantee the best results.

Tileable shower shelf & Tileable wall niches

Tileable shower trays & wall niches are very trendy. They can be used to create additional, individual shelves in showers, bathrooms or other rooms. With these unique design options, your customers' living rooms and bathrooms can be adapted down to the last detail.

For craftsmen and designers, our shelves and wall niches offer flexible, effective and elegant solutions. Your customers will thank you for it.

Outdoor systems

Outdoor systems from Proline offer our customers full flexibility for designing outdoor areas. In terrace construction, Proline provides various balcony and terrace profiles that represent an elegant and safe solution. If there is a need for more design space and adaptation options, we offer our pedestal and slab supports.

Further outdoor systems can be found in our drainage mats, which allow easy drainage of the subfloors. Drainage gutters help to keep the outdoor area dry and protect it from flooding against heavy rainfall.

Balcony & Patio Profiles

The Proline balcony and patio profiles provide a clean and protective finish to edges and decking edges. The profiles, made of aluminium or stainless steel, drain or drain water in a targeted manner. The impeccable appearance of balconies and terraces is thus secured in the long term.

Proline offers two different profiles for balconies and terraces: PROCOFORM, the profile matched to the drainage systems, and PROFORM, the individually usable profile. Both profiles are available in different geometries and RAL colours, so that you will find the perfect solution for every application.

Pedestal & slab supports

The importance of the outdoor area, whether garden, terrace, roof terrace or balcony, as a place of retreat in everyday life has been increasing significantly for years. More and more builders and modernizers are looking to perfect their own lives with high-quality outdoor areas.

In the course of urbanization, living space in cities is becoming increasingly scarce. With pedestal supports, new areas for roof terraces can also be created where this was previously not possible due to a lack of statics. As a result of this development, high-quality terrace coverings made of ceramic, concrete or natural stone slabs are increasingly being installed on pedestals.

The PROSTILTadvance pedestal support system combines the flexibility of pedestal bearings with the load-bearing capacity of a supporting structure. Our well-known, high-quality pedestal supports form the basis of the construction. The aluminium girder construction is placed on top of this. The result is a substructure with extremely high load-bearing capacity, which is used in both the private and commercial sectors.

PROSTILT's pedestal support system offers craftsmen and planners a high-quality solution developed and produced in Germany. PROSTILT is the pedestal support for users who appreciate quality and freedom of design.

If particularly heavy terrace slabs made of natural stone or concrete have to be laid on level surfaces, our PROSTILT slab supports are the ideal solution. In addition, old, unsightly terrace coverings can be easily and comfortably built over.

Drainage mats

With PROCODRAIN drainage mats we offer you the perfect drainage for balcony and terrace. Depending on the structure and covering, the variants E, GK or S with their overlapping edges on one side are suitable. PROCODRAIN guarantees efficient drainage, reliable protection against contamination and perfect finishes. Thus protected, external coverings shine in all their beauty even after harsh winters.

Facade channel/drain channel

During drainage, transitions between exterior and interior surfaces are a sensitive area. On large window fronts, heavy rain can quickly cause water to accumulate in front of doors, windows and walls. Wind and driving rain additionally drive the surface water towards the living space. PROCOLINE drainage channels are the right solution because they also effectively drain large quantities of water.

Floor profiles & underlay webs

Which floor profile is suitable for which application is not always self-evident. The choice of different floor coverings results in a wide variety of requirements: Transitions should be mastered, floating coverings fixed and at the same time kept movable. With all these requirements, one thing is certain: Floor profiles - what they do, what they can do:
  • level compensation
  • Accessibility
  • optics
  • flexibility
  • sturdiness
  • durability
  • Comfort

The eye decides Because the eye "lives with you". Optics is a decisive criterion when it comes to high-quality floor coverings. That's why we offer our floor profiles in numerous noble surface variants. If you can't, incompatible floor coverings are a thing of the past thanks to innovative technology. Because our PROVARIO transition profiles, which are height-adjustable and variable in their inclination, also bridge large level differences and extra-wide transitions.

The unique Proline swivel joint technology provides considerably more room for adjustment and even more flexibility. Transition, edging, end or staircase? The Proline range offers you top quality and innovative technology for transitions, edgings and borders as well as for staircases. Also adapted to the budget specifications on the construction site.

For renovations and refurbishments, special requirements must also be met when installing floor profiles. If old floor coverings are to be combined with new ones or transitions between existing floor coverings are to be refurbished, retrofittable floor profiles are required. A reliable partner in this field are the Proline floor profiles, which are also ideally suited for retrofitting (e.g. PROTRANS).

Screwable floor profiles (PROVARIO Universal, PROCOVER Universal) are stable and almost universally applicable. High-quality materials, top workmanship and perfection down to the last detail are essential. An example of this is the 4-sided screw guide for all Proline profiles with swivel joint technology. It ensures that screws sit securely in the cover profile and that the screw head is cleanly countersunk.

The snap-in floor profiles (PROVARIOclip, PROCOVERclip) are as practical as they are easy to install. The plastic joints integrated into the snap-in profiles swallow movements of floating floors without loading the joint. This guarantees lasting durability.

Surface heating systems & cooling systems

No matter if new building or renovation, you would like to have it comfortable in your house, apartment or office at any time of the year. Our aim is to transfer heat in such a way that it arrives where it is needed as quickly as possible. And always where you want to feel comfortable.

Proline Energy are innovative surface heating and cooling systems that are suitable for installation on floors, walls and ceilings. They were developed for use in dry construction. All surface coverings such as tiles and natural stone, parquet, laminate, vinyl as well as textile and elastic coverings can be applied to the surface heating and cooling systems using individual construction solutions.

Pedestal calculator

You can calculate here your required quantity of pedestal and slab supports

Please note: the determined quantity or number of pedestal supports is regarded as an approximate value. It is subject to change and makes no claim to completeness.

*: Please fill out forms
Cross brace laying
Stretched bond laying / laying in half-offset formation
Length of area [A]: m
Width of area [B]: m

Total area to be layed:
Slabs / Tiles
Length of one slab [C]: cm
Width of one slab [D]: cm

Area per slab:

Slabs required at the long side:
Slabs required at the short side:

Slabs required:

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Proline Systems data protection declaration:

Your data are in safe hands with us. The processing of your personal data at is carried out in accordance with the applicable data protection laws, in particular the new GDPR. This data protection declaration provides you with information on the specific handling of your personal data when visiting our websites.Data protection declaration version: 8 May 2018

Here you can edit your cookie settings.


1. Organisation responsible

PROLINE Systems GmbH
Kratzenburger Landstrasse 11–15
Industriegebiet Hellerwald
D 56154 Boppard

Tel. +49 (0) 67 42 / 80 16 – 0
E-mail: info(at)

Data protection agent:
IT Process & Audit GmbH
Herr Thomas Martin
Bruder-Kremer-Straße 6
65549 Limburg a. d. Lahn
Telefon: +49 (0)6431 969-200

2. Data collected and purpose of the data processing

The object of the company is the manufacture and supply of high-quality profiles and systems for wall and floor coverings in living areas and wet areas as well as for patios and balconies. The data collected on the homepage serve for the exercising of the abovementioned purpose. We collect personal data based on your consent, to fulfil a contract with you and/or to meet a legal obligation. Personal data represent all information relating to an identified or identifiable individual.

2.1 We save data on the following groups of people:

  • Employees and applicants
  • Customers and interested parties
  • Suppliers and cooperation partners

2.2 We save the following types of data:

  • Address and communications data
  • Data for human resources administration and control
  • Communications data
  • Data for handling and checking transactions
  • Account data, contact data and support information

2.3 Recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data may be conveyed:

The data are passed on to the following recipients inside and outside the company:
  • Internal posts involved in the execution of relevant business procedures
  • Public bodies that receive data for legal reasons (e.g. social insurance providers and financial authorities)
  • External parties such as associated companies and external contractors (e.g. cooperation and sales partners)

3. Usage data

We collect usage data on visits to our homepage:
  • Time of access
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  • Operating system
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  • IP address (anonymised).

We save these usage data separately from other data. We process the usage data exclusively for statistical purposes, to ensure system security, for technical improvements and to optimise the range.

If you send us questions via the contact form, your details from the enquiry form, including the contact data you have given, will be saved by us for the purposes of processing the enquiry and in the event of additional questions being asked.

IP anonymisation

We use the “Activation of IP anonymisation” feature on this website. In this way your IP address will be abbreviated in advance by Google within the member states of the European Union or in other countries that are signatories to the agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and will be abbreviated there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports on the website activity and to deliver other services associated with website usage and Internet usage for the website operator. The IP address transmitted by your browser within the scope of Google Analytics will not be combined with other data from Google.

4. Disclosure of data

Transmission of personal data to third parties or order processing suppliers is only carried out insofar as this is required for the purposes in question. We pass on personal data to specialist providers, for example to shipping and payment providers. Disclosure to any other state only occurs insofar as we indicate this expressly in this data protection declaration.
By taking the relevant measures we ensure that third parties adhere to a reasonable level of protection of personal data here.

5. Deletion of data

Deletion of saved personal data is carried out if you withdraw your consent for its processing, if the data are no longer required to fulfil the purpose for which they are saved, or if its storage is or becomes inadmissible for other legal reasons. When deleting or blocking data the services in question can no longer be used.

6. Newsletter and e-mail advertising 

6.1 Newsletter

We look forward to informing you of exciting projects and news from the construction industry if you have given us your consent to do this, or insofar as this corresponds with the legal regulations. By registering (double opt-in procedure) for the newsletter, you declare your agreement to receiving the newsletter. The data collected (title, name and e-mail address) are only used for sending the newsletter.
The sending of our newsletter is carried out by CleverReach, a service of CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG . You can find the data protection provisions of CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG here:

Clever Reach collects and processes newsletter usage data. This information collected is only processed for the purpose of technical improvements and to optimise what the newsletter offers.

You may withdraw your consent to receive the newsletter as well as the data processing associated with it at any time. You may withdraw this via a link in the newsletter or with an informal communication to Proline Systems GmbH - Kratzenburger Landstrasse 11-15 - Industriegebiet Hellerwald - D – 56154 Boppard or via e-mail to info(at) .

6.2 E-mail advertising according to § 7 para. 3 of the law against unfair competition (UWG)

In the context of statutory authorisation according to § 7 para. 3 of the law against unfair competition (UWG) we are entitled to use the e-mail address you have given us with the order for direct advertising of our own similar products or services. If you no longer wish to receive any advertising for similar products or services, you may withdraw the use of your e-mail address at any time, without anything other than the transmission costs according to the basic charges being incurred for this. Unsubscription can be carried out via any advertising email.

7. Competitions

If you participate in a competition, we collect the personal data you have given us to conduct the competition as well as for statistical purposes. We send an e-mail to the e-mail address provided to give news on the outcome of the competition. Your personal data are only transmitted to the competition partner for the purposes of the competition. The saved personal data are deleted once these are no longer required for the execution of the competition, or if their storage is inadmissible for other legal reasons.

8. Your rights

8.1 Right of cancellation

You have the right to withdraw the consent you have given for the processing of your personal data at any time with effect for the future. Withdrawal does not affect the legality of the processing that has been carried out up to the withdrawal based on the consent.

8.2 Right to information

You have the right to request information on the saved personal data free of charge. The information may also be given electronically upon request.

8.3 Correction, deletion and restriction of data

You have the right to request the correction, deletion or restriction of the personal data relating to you. However, when deleting or blocking your data the services in question can no longer be used. Your right to deletion may be excluded due to legal obligations to retain it.

8.4 Data export

You have the right to have data that we process with automatic procedures, and to the use of which you have consented, made available to you in machine-readable form or transmitted to other people responsible.

8.5 Enforcement of rights

You can enforce your rights via an informal communication to PROLINE Systems GmbH, Kratzenburger Landstr. 11-15, Industriegebiet Hellerwald - D – 56154 Boppard or with an e-mail to info(at) In the event of complaints you may also contact the relevant supervisory authority for data protection in Mainz.

9. Data security

We protect your personal data from risks associated with data processing, and in particular from unauthorised access or publication. For this purpose we take the relevant technical and organisational measures based on the latest technology.

10. Cookies and tracking tools

Internet pages sometimes use so-called cookies. Cookies do not cause any harm to your computer and do not contain any viruses. Cookies serve to make our range more user-friendly, more effective and more secure. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and which your browser saves.

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We use the following tools for this:

10.1 Google Analytics

The homepage and customer portal use Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics enables analysis of the use of the website by the user. What is collected is, for example, information on the operating system and display, your IP address, website views called up and the date and time of your visiting our website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and is saved there. We have activated IP anonymisation. In this way your IP address will be abbreviated by Google prior to transmission within the member states of the European Union or in other countries that are signatories to the agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and will be abbreviated there. On behalf of the operator of the website, Google will use this information to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports on the activity within the app and to deliver other services associated with website usage and Internet usage for the app operator. The IP address transmitted within the scope of Google Analytics will not be combined with other data from Google. You can prevent the collection of data related to the use of the website (including your IP address) in Google as well as the processing of these data by Google by deactivating Google Analytics in your browser. Google offers you the option of deactivating Google Analytics via a browser add-on.
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Our website uses the online advertising program “Google AdWords”, a service from Google Inc. in the USA (“Google”) and the options it includes for conversion tracking. If you go to a Google ad on our website, Google AdWords places a cookie in your browser that enables us to create statistics on the use of our website (e.g. the number of logins and/or first time purchases on our website as a result of a specific AdWord).

Further information on conversion tracking, in particular how you may prevent the collection of data by the cookie placed by Google can be found under the following link:

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Our website uses plug-ins for the YouTube page operated by Google. The operator of the pages is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. If you visit one of our pages with a YouTube plug-in, a connection will be made to the YouTube servers. The YouTube server will receive information on which of our pages you have visited.

If you are logged into your YouTube account you enable YouTube to attribute your surfing behaviour directly to your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account.

You will find further information on the handling of user data in the data protection declaration from YouTube at:

11. SSL encryption:

This page uses SSL encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content, such as enquiries that you send us as the operator of the pages. You will recognise an encrypted link as the address line of the browser changes from “http://” to “https://” and from the lock symbol in your browser line. If SSL encryption is activated, the data that you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties.

12. Social plug-ins

We use social plug-ins (“plug-ins”) from the social networks.
To increase the protection of your data when using our website, the plug-ins are not unlimited but are only integrated into the page with the use of an HTML link (so-called “Shariff solution”). This integration ensures that no connection with the servers of the social network providers in question is created by using the website. If you click on one of the social network buttons, a new window opens and calls up the page of the service provider in question, whereby you can (after entering your login data as appropriate) activate the like or share button, for example. The purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by the provider on their pages, as well as your rights and setting options to this effect for protecting your privacy, can be found in the provider’s data protection information.

13. Indicative time limits for the deletion of data:

You have the right to free information on your saved personal data at any time, its origins and recipients and the purpose of the data processing, as well as the right to correction, blocking and deletion of this data. Besides further questions on the topic of personal data, you can contact us at any time at the address given in the section on publication information.

The legislature has issued various retention obligations and periods. After expiry of these periods the relevant data will be routinely deleted, provided it is no longer required to fulfil the contract or for customer support. If data are not affected by this they will be deleted as soon as the purposes under 4. cease.

14. Google Marketing and Remarketing Services

Based on our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimisation and economic operation of our online offer within the meaning of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR) we use the marketing and remarketing services (“Google Marketing Services ”) of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, (“Google”).

Google is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement, which ensures compliance with European data protection law (

Google Marketing Services allow us to display targeted advertisements for and on our website, in order to show users only those ads that potentially meet their interests. If users are shown ads for products for which they have shown interest on other websites, this is referred to as “remarketing”. For these purposes, when our website and other websites are called up on which Google Marketing Services are active, a code is executed directly by Google, and (re)marketing tags (invisible graphics or code, also known as “web beacons”) are incorporated into the website. With their help, an individual cookie, i.e. a small file, is stored on the device (instead of cookies, comparable technologies can be used). The cookies can be set by various domains, including,,,, or In this file it is recorded which web pages the user has visited, the contents in which he/she is interested and the offers he/she has clicked, as well as technical information on the browser and operating system, referring websites, visit time and further information on the use of the online offer. The IP address of the users is also recorded, whereby in the context of Google Analytics we inform that the IP address is shortened within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area and is transmitted only in exceptional cases to a Google server in the United States and shortened there. The IP address will not be merged with data of the user within other offers from Google. The above information may also be linked by Google with such information from other sources. If the user then visits other websites, according to his interests, the ads tailored to him can be displayed.

User data is pseudonymously processed within the framework of Google Marketing Services. This means that Google does not store and process e.g. the names or email addresses of the users, but processes the relevant cookie-related data within pseudonymous user profiles. This means, from Google's perspective, that the ads are not managed and displayed for a specifically identified person, but for the cookie owner, regardless of who this cookie owner is. This does not apply if a user has explicitly permitted Google to process the data without this pseudonymisation. The information collected by Google Marketing Services about users is transmitted to Google and stored on Google's servers in the USA.

The Google Marketing Services we use include the online advertising program “Google AdWords”. In the case of Google AdWords, each AdWords customer receives a different “conversion cookie”. Thus, cookies cannot be tracked through AdWords customers' websites. The information collected using the cookie is used to create conversion statistics for AdWords customers who have opted for conversion tracking. AdWords customers see the total number of users who have clicked on their ad and have been redirected to a page with a conversion tracking tag. However, they do not receive any information that allows users to be personally identified.

We may include third-party advertising via the Google marketing service “AdSense”. AdSense uses cookies that facilitate the display of online ads for Google and its partner websites based on visits from users to the website or other sites.

We may also use “Google Tag Manager” to integrate and manage the Google Analytics and Marketing Services on our website.

For more information on Google's use of data for marketing purposes, see the overview page:, Google's privacy policy is available at

If you want to opt out of Google Marketing Services, then you can use Google's set-up and opt-out options:


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Überschrift 1

Fließtext... Fließtect... Englische Version

Proline celebrates its 25th anniversary!

We can hardly believe it ourselves, but our brand and the PROLINE company is now 25 years young - a reason for us to celebrate. We celebrate not only our company founder, Karl Heinz Fiedler, but all the people, companions and projects that have made us successful.



One mat – three functions.
Decoupling. Sealing. Room acoustics.



Decoupling and sealing film with impact sound insulation.

The new PROSECURE TriTec offers much more than just decoupling when installing tiles on screed. The sealing membrane for tiles combines function, efficiency and most of all safety in one product. Naturally, the functions decoupling, sealing and improvement of room acoustics as well as impact sound insulation are at the forefront. The installation of the decoupling fleece also results in low adhesive consumption. The sealing film is made of polyethylene and is laminated on both sides with a polypropylene fleece.

Advantages at a glance

• Highly efficient decoupling
• abP-certified sealing
• Improved room acoustics
• Simple finishing without special products
• Time saving during laying
• Only 1.8 mm material thickness
• Very high loads possible
• Suitable for laying on underfloor heating
• Easy installation indoors and outdoors
• For tiling on almost all substrates
Quickfinder PROSECURE TriTec

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The new Harmony-Line

Tile profiles of a special kind.


The interplay of tile and edging profile can be of room-shaping significance. With six warm colors and a lightly structured surface, the profiles of the Harmony-Line Harmony-Line profiles blend in with the appearance of modern tiles with discreet finesse. Unobtrusive and elegant, they combine perfect looks with easy maintenance and secure protection of the tile edge.

Quickfinder Harmony-Line

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Transition, compensator and ending profiles now also in black!

There are trends and timeless design - the color black combines both in a unique way. This is why PROLINE aluminum floor profiles are now also available in black. The transition profiles, compensator profiles and ending profiles from PROCOVER Designfloor, PROVARIO Universal, PROVARIOclip Universal as well as the flat and curved PROTRANS transition profiles made of aluminum in bronze, champagne, stainless steel, gold and silver are now also available in matt black (RAL 9005).

Black is a sensitive color. However, with a completely new type of powder coating in combination with a special production process, we have succeeded in developing particularly hard-wearing floor profiles that, with their slightly structured surface, are not only hard-wearing, durable and resilient, but also radiate a unique elegance.
  • Innovative powder coating – particularly resistant to scratches
  • Slightly structured surface – elegant, easy-care and sure-footed
  • Special production process – also for multi-part professional systems with swivel joint technology

Our range extends from the easy-to-use, self-adhesive PROTRANS floor profile to the 3-part professional system PROVARIO Universal with patented swivel joint technology. Service, quality, and reliability from tradition included.


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